CategoryIn issue 3-2024, publication

Improving communication with patients through artificial intelligence (AI)-based chatbots: empirical insights and managerial recommendations


dr Tomasz DRYL – Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot, Polska; e-mail:

Otrzymano/Received 4.06.2024. Przyjęto/Accepted 10.06.2024


Purpose: The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technology on the quality of communication between medical facilities and patients via conversational chatbots. The article analyzes patients’ perceptions of AI chatbot communication, evaluates the accuracy and helpfulness of information provided by chatbots, and examines the impact of personalization of responses and ease of use of chatbots on overall patient satisfaction. In addition, the article provides recommendations for implementing AI in medical communication based on the results of empirical studies.
Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted in 2023 using a diagnostic survey method. A survey technique was used, and the research tool was a questionnaire provided by the CAWI method. 483 respondents participated in the survey.
Findings/conclusions: The results of the survey showed that AI chatbots are a valuable tool in improving the quality of patient service in medical facilities. Their effectiveness depends on the accuracy of information, personalization of communication and ease of use. The implementation of AI chatbots requires addressing the challenges of natural language processing and the individual differences of users.
Research limitations: Limitations primarily relate to the possible lack of representativeness of all survey respondents.
Practical implications: Results indicate high quality communication, efficiency in responding, and a significant role for chatbots in improving patient experience.
Originality/value: The study adds new cognitive value by analyzing in detail patients’ perceptions of AI chatbot communication, evaluates the accuracy and helpfulness of information provided by chatbots, and examines the impact of personalization of responses and ease of use of chatbots on overall patient satisfaction.


AI in healthcare, chatbots in patient communication, patient service quality

Quality as an area of luxury product value


dr Wioleta DRYL – Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot, Polska; e-mail:
mgr Piotr JUCHNIEWICZ – doktorant, Uniwersytet Komeńskiego w Bratysławie, Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Ekonomicznych, Šafárikovo námestie 6, 814 99 Bratislava, Słowacja

Received 4.06.2024. Accepted 10.06.2024


Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the role of quality in assessing the value of luxury products. The perception of quality constitutes a highly complex concept in the case of luxury goods, the essence of which goes beyond the frameworks of functionality, utility, and the level of satisfying basic consumer needs. The article also attempts to indicate which factors shape the perceived quality of luxury products.
Design/methodology/approach: The study employed methods such as critical analysis of the literature and selected research findings conducted in the analyzed area, as well as methods of synthesis and logical inference.
Findings/conclusions: The quality of luxury goods is not only a function of price and actual quality but primarily perceived quality, which has a decisive influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Psychological perception of quality constitutes one of the foundations of a luxury brand’s image, as well as a factor rationalizing consumers’ purchasing decisions. There is also significant importance of quality in building relationships with consumers of luxury goods. Quality is also a tool to support brands in adapting to contemporary market requirements, such as sustainable development or functioning in the e-commerce market.
Research limitations: This study conducted an analysis of the literature and selected research findings regarding the quality of luxury goods, which serves only as an introduction to further in-depth research in this area.
Practical implications: The presented analyses provide information guiding further research processes in this area. Identified areas in which the quality of luxury products is considered indicate a strong need for further in-depth qualitative and quantitative research in this area.
Originality/value: Previous studies in this area focus on a broad approach to general issues related to the value of luxury products, treating quality as one of its determinants. The article focuses on the role of quality in shaping the value of luxury products. It identifies factors that go beyond rational quality determinants, subjecting to analysis variables shaping perceived quality, which in the case of luxury goods reflects the actual extent of this phenomenon.


perceived quality, luxury product, value of luxury product

Outsourcing as a cause of low quality.
Lesson from Boeing’s experience


prof. dr hab. Marek BUGDOL – Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, ul. prof. St. Łojasiewicza 4, 30-348 Kraków, Polska; e-mail:

Received 29.05.2024. Accepted 5.06.2024


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to identify the main causes of quality decline in outsourced production processes.
Design/methodology/approach: A literature review was used to obtain an overview of the current research. The procedure used was consistent with the principles of research conducted in management and quality sciences. The article uses information materials about the decline in quality at Boeing.
Findings/conclusions: Problems related to ensuring appropriate quality (i.e. consistent with the requirements) occur when we are dealing with: excessive separation of processes, lack of rigorous quality control carried out by suppliers, inability to assess all costs incurred, inappropriate definition of the product (what we expect), a very large number of technologies used, an extensive and complicated supply chain structure. However, we must not forget about factors such as: striving for quick profits (pressure on numerical goals), destruction of competences as a result of technological discontinuity, engaging in counterproductive behaviors (corruption), or political conditions that companies have no influence on.
Research limitations: A literature review is not a perfect way to obtain information. The article contains an example relating to one industry.
Practical implications: The research results may be useful for improving external process management system.
Originality/value: The presented examples and results of already published research may constitute educational material for both students of technical and social sciences.


outsourcing, problems, causes of quality decline

Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer in the contemporary organisation


prof. dr hab. Elżbieta SKRZYPEK – Uniwersytet Kaliski im. Prezydenta Stanisława Wojciechowskiego w Kaliszu, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 62-800 Kalisz, Polska; e-mail:
mgr Sylwia SAGAN – Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Katedra Kapitału Intelektualnego i Jakości, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Polska; e-mail:

Received 23.05.2024. Accepted 5.06.2024


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to indicate the purpose of knowledge sharing and transfer in a contemporary organisation. It aims to show the benefits and barriers occurring in these processes. To achieve the above, we needed to find the determinants, motives, barriers, benefits, effects and factors supporting and stimulating knowledge sharing behaviour. In addition, the authors selected some major works that highlight the status and importance of the broadly understood knowledge sharing process in organisations and strived to show the relationships that occur between knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer.
Design/methodology/approach: This work aims to identify differences in approaches to knowledge management sub-processes. The study includes a critical analysis of the available literature and an analysis of the results of published research and logical inference and reasoning.
Findings/conclusions: To show the essence, the diversity of approaches to defining knowledge transfer and sharing, to indicate the relationships that occur between knowledge transfer and sharing, to show the need to raise the profile of these sub-processes in knowledge management in a contemporary organisation, to indicate the need to continue research on problems related to knowledge transfer and sharing.
Research limitations: Knowledge management in Polish enterprises is of growing interest. At the same time, knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer as sub-processes of knowledge management face a number of barriers. This is confirmed by numerous studies conducted in this area.
Practical implications: To indicate the relationship between knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer and to show the benefits that can be achieved by organisations implementing these sub-processes as part of the knowledge management process.
Originality/value: To show the importance of knowledge sharing as the most important aspect of knowledge management in order to encourage organisations to take a broader interest in both knowledge management and its sub-processes of knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing. The results of the study distil crucial elements of knowledge management related to the impact of the knowledge sharing and transfer sub-processes on the organisation and the employees.


knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer