For Authors


All scientific manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review.

The editorial board accepts original, never before published, scientific papers from the thematic scope of the journal.
The papers in Polish or English language may be submitted to the journal. Editor-in-Chief makes a publication decision based on the reviews and sends the author(s) a decision e-mail accompanied by the reviewers’ reports or comments.
Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to:
The journal is provided in black and white.

Publication fee

Due to the editorial policy publications in „Problems of Quality” („Problemy Jakości”) are subject to a 100, 00 PLN net fee for one printed page. The fee covers the costs of typesetting and print and is collected  after positive reviwes, but before publication.

Ethics and publication malpractice statement concerning copyright materials published in SIGMA-NOT Publishing House journals (compiled basing on COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics – guidelines)


SIGMA-NOT Publishing House, as a publisher of technical and scientific journals, is obligated to support adherence to ethical standards in copyright materials, publishing high quality materials and prevent any scientific misconduct. Adherence to ethical rules is expected equally from all participants of the publication process: authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher.

Editor’s responsibilities

The Editor evaluates papers in a fair and objective manner, with no regard to the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political philosophy, ethnic or geographic origin. The Editor’s decision is made only on the basis of the article being analysed, taking into consideration its originality, scientific value, clarity, importance of the research or information for the science and technology community in a given domain.

The Editor treats all papers received from the Authors as confidential and does not disclose them to persons that are not directly participating in the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers etc.) and does not use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent.

The Editor enables the Author to publish a factual discussion concerning a part of an article being reviewed. The Editor does not block the possibility of publishing negative research results.

The Editor and the Editorial Board pay special attention to the applicable legal requirements concerning copyrights.

Reviewer’s responsibilities

The object of peer review is to assist the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board in making decisions concerning the article’s publication and to possibly help the Author in correcting or improving their work.

The Reviewer should objectively evaluate if they are able to review a given article, taking into consideration the paper’s substance and a deadline determined by the Editorial Board.

The Reviewer declines reviewing a given article if they identify a conflict of interests resulting from e. g. financial, personal or professional connections with article’s author(s), company or an institution associated with the paper.

The Reviewer treats all papers received from the Editorial Board as confidential and does not disclose them to third parties or use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent. The Review should be formulated objectively, clearly, unambiguously, without personal criticism. Critical notes should be supported by matter-of-fact statements.

The Reviewer should notify the Editor of any similarity of an article being reviewed to any other papers that they know.

Author’s responsibilities

The Author submits exclusively the original and unpublished papers, stating that they have the rights to dispose these materials. Submitting a paper simultaneously to several publishing houses in unacceptable.

An article should be prepared with appropriate citing and present methods, research and results clearly so that the Author’s reasoning can be followed and possible repeating of the research can be done by other researchers in a given domain. The Article should take into account the state of knowledge in a given domain, and the research results should be described and analysed extensively and objectively. If partial results have been previously published, the Author should inform the Editor and state it in the article.

The Author declares that the research data used in the publication have not been fabricated or manipulated.

The article’s authorship is limited to the persons who made significant contributions to the idea, objectives, methods, research execution and interpretation of results as well as the substantial development of the article. All persons who made substantial contributions to the article must be listed as co-authors. The Author submitting the paper should disclose contributions of each and every author and make sure that all co-authors accept the article’s submission to the journal and the final version of the article.

The Author should inform the Editorial Board about significant errors found in the paper and cooperate with the Editor to correct them before publication or to make a correction in form of an errata.

The Author should store raw data to make it accessible to the Editorial Board or the authorized institutions if inquired.

The Author confirms, in justified cases, that all research were conducted in accordance with ethical and formal regulations applicable in a given domain of science (e.g. bioethics commission’s consent).

The Author should disclose information concerning financing the publication, contributions made by scientific research institutions, associations and other parties, as well as the possible conflicts of interest connected to the article.

Procedures in case of unethical practices

In case of alleged misconduct in the published or submitted article, especially in case of plagiarisms such as ghostwriting or guest authorship, the Editor takes measures to clarify the situation; the first step is to ask the Author to comment it. In case of confirmed misconduct significantly breaching the ethics, the Editor takes further action, for example: publishing information about the discovered misconduct and informing entities in which the Author is affiliated. Any signs of scientific misconduct are documented by the Editorial Board.


We accept original, never before published, scientific papers up to 30 000 characters, including spaces and bibliography. Each manuscript undergoes a blind review by two independent reviewers. All references to the author are deleted. Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to:, include the manuscript as an attachment to your message.

Article structure

• Author’s first and last name, scientific degree/title, affiliation, e-mail address, ORCID number (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold)
• Title in English (Times New Roman, bold, 16 pt, center alignment)
• Title in Polish (Times New Roman, bold, 16 pt, center alignment)
• Structured abstract in English –250 words maximum (Times New Roman, 12 pt)
• Keywords in English — up to 5 words (Times New Roman, 12 pt)
• Structured abstract in Polish – maximum 250 words (Times New Roman, 12 pt)
• Keywords in Polish — up to 5 words (Times New Roman, 12 pt)
• Introduction (Times New Roman, 14 pt, left-justified)
• Headings (Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, left-justified)
• Subheadings (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, left-justified)
• Conclusions (Times New Roman, 14 pt, left-justified)
• Bibliography in Chicago style (Times New Roman, 12 pt, left-justified)

Supporting information

• the text of the article (up to 30,000 characters) — Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified
• margins: top, bottom, left, right 2.5 cm,
• spacing between lines – 1.0,
• paragraphs with one indent equal to 1 tab,
• tables, diagrams, charts, drawings etc. – accepted in black and white only,
• tables, diagrams, charts, drawings etc. are to be provided with captions and numbers,
• the caption for a figure appears below the graphic; for a table – above (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold),
• number tables and figures consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and specify the source below the table or figure body (Times New Roman, 12 pt). Make a specific reference in the text to each table or figure in your manuscript,
• number reference system: In-Text Citation – indicate in your text in square brackets a number that corresponds to a source in your bibliography, e.g. [1],
• abstracts in both Polish and English should be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines: article abstract (up to 250 words) should be structured and consist of the following subheadings: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings/conclusions, Research limitations, Practical implications, Originality/value (in Polish: Cel, Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja, Wyniki/wnioski, Ograniczenia, Zastosowanie praktyczne, Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza). The list of keywords should follow after the abstract (up to 5).

the aims of the research/the reasons for writing the paper

how the research was conducted (the main methods/tools used for the research)

the results of the research and their interpretation, conclusions

Research limitations
any identified limitations in the research process and suggestions for future research

Practical implications
how the findings may be important for practice

what is new or what is the scientific value added of the paper

word, word, word, word, word

Creating a Bibliography in Chicago Style

• Place the bibliography at the end of the paper.
• The entries should be alphabetized.
• Web addresses should be placed at the end of the bibliography. Use the full Web address that leads directly to the document you referenced, include an access date in parentheses, e.g. [access: 22.03.2021].

Format Examples

  • Magazine articles

Title: „Literature Review and Referencing”

Magazine title: Writing a scientific paper

Authors: Brown John, Smith Mary

Publication date (Year): 2013

Volume: 19

Issue number: 1

Pages: 37-41

Author#1 last name #1first name, author#2 first name#2 last name. Year. „Title”. Magazine title volume (issue) : pages.

Brown John, Mary Smith. 2013. „Literature Review and Referencing”. Writing a scientific paper 19 (1): 37–41.

  • Book

Title: Writing a scientific paper

Authors: Brown John, Smith Mary

Publication date (Year): 2009

City of publication: Tokyo

Publishing company: Dragon Publishing

Author #1 last name #1 first name, author #2 first name #2 last name, author #3 first name

#3 last name. Year. Title. City of publication: Publishing company.

Brown John, Mary Smith. 2009. Writing a scientific paper. Tokyo: Dragon Publishing.

  • Chapter

Title: Literature Review and Referencing

Authors: Brown John, Smith Mary, Webb Ann K.

Book title: Writing a scientific paper

Publication date (Year): 2008

Publishing company: Dragon Publishing

Pages : 253-266

Author#1 last name #1 first name, author #2 first name #2 last name. Year. Chapter title. In Book title, Pages. Publishing company.

Brown John, Mary Smith, Ann K. Webb. 2009. Literature Review and Referencing. In Writing a scientific paper, 253-266. Dragon Publishing.

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